Thursday, March 24, 2016

Serving Your Spouse Divorce Papers

When filing your paperwork with Virginia Online Divorce the Defendant has a right to know that the divorce action has been filed, and to examine each claim made.  Service is the method by which the Defendant is officially notified of the filing of certain documents.  If Service is not conducted properly, your action will be denied or dismissed by the court.  Several methods of Service are described below.  During your initial filing (described below), notify the court of the method of Service which will be used.

Direct Service (handing documents directly to your spouse) is usually provided by the local Sheriff.  A Private Process Server can also be hired instead, who will follow the same procedures and provide similar signed proof to the court.  You cannot personally hand divorce documents to your spouse.  This does not meet the requirements for proper service, as required by law.

Note: For uncontested divorce actions where the parties are representing themselves (pro se, without the assistance of an attorney), the current physical address of the Defendant must be known.

If the Defendant lives in Virginia
A Summons will be provided by the court to the local Sheriff, who will attempt to serve the Summons and a copy of the other divorce documents on the Defendant.  If no party can be located, the Sheriff is able to provide service by publicly posting a copy of the necessary service documents upon the main entrance of the Defendant's residence.  The Acceptance document (signed by either the Defendant, a family member at least 16 years old, or the Sheriff) will show proof of Service to the court.

Contact your local Court Clerk to ensure that you bring the proper documents to the court for your initial filing.  They will likely include:

-- Cover Letter Directing Service
-- Summons (issued by court)
-- Waiver of Service, Answer, and Notice (not yet signed by Defendant)

If the Defendant does not live in Virginia
The documents listed above will likely still be used, in a similar procedure.  You must however contact the Court Clerk of the county where the Defendant lives.  Ask the Clerk how you can have the local Sheriff personally serve the Defendant (or a Private Process Server can be used), and how proof can be obtained.  An Affidavit for Service document may be required (included below if this type of service was requested). Work with the Clerk to complete these service procedures.
Contact your local Court Clerk to ensure that you bring the proper documents to the court for your initial filing.  They will likely include:

-- Cover Letter Directing Service
-- Affidavit for Service of Process
-- Summons (issued by court)

-- Wavier of Service, Answer, and Notice (not yet signed by Defendant)

Virginia Online Divorce... We make an already tough situation affordable.

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